talented musicians
people who give love claps
target of 50 (x1000) people
youths who love God
about SNJB__++
SNJB = Shao Nian Jing Bing
we are a group of teenagers in Hinghwa Methodist Church
aged thirteen (13) - twenty one (21)
who like great praise and worship, fellowship and camps
we have lots of fun games and powerpacked praise and worship every sunday
we would like YOU to join us!

address: 93 Kitchener Road
(Lavender MRT)
venue: 3rd floor, Room 5
time: 1045am - 1230pm
admission ticket: FREEE!

upcoming events__++
1. 26th Jun (1930hrs) - Youth Worship

2. end of year camp in Malaysia

royal celebrations__++
1. 20th Jun - Princess Huili's 18
2. 21st Aug - Princess Reuben's 16
3. 22nd Aug - Prince Ryan's 15
4. 12th Sep - Princess Peg's 18
5. 1st Oct - Prince Potato's 16

chairperson of SNJB
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God's Discipline

"For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not?" Hebrews 12:6-7

There's a terrible misunderstanding among believers today about God's method of disciplining His children. They'll point to some kind of disaster-- a tornado or a car accident-- and say, "I guess God sent that catastrophe to teach us something." No, He didn't! A loving God doesn't send death and destruction on His children to instruct them. He doesn't unleash His bad dog to bite us on the leg, so we'll learn to wear our boots! How does He chastise His own? With His Word.

And Timothy 3:16-17 says, "Every Scripture is God-breathed--given by His inspiration--and profitable for instruction, for reproof and conviction of sin, for correction of error and discipline in obedience, and for training in righteousness, So that the man of God may be complete and proficient, well fitted and thoroughly equipped for every good work" (The Amplified Bible). If you'll look in 2 Corinthians 7, you'll see an example of this. There the Apostle Paul talks about a situation in the Corinthian church that needed correction. That church had gotten out of line and had to be disciplined. How did Paul do it? Not by asking God to send an earthquake to shake them up! He did it by writing them a letter. He wrote them a word of reproof that hurt so badly they would have preferred being beaten with a stick. It cut deep into their spirits and brought them to repentance. Your heavenly Father loves you and because He does, He will chasten you. But He'll do it with spiritual, not fleshly tools. He'll use the spirit power in His Word to chasten unbelief and purify your spirit in such a way that you'll come out strong, not weak and condemned. So quit bowing down to disasters and start subjecting yourself instead to the Word of God. Yield to the Word. Let it correct you and trim away the flesh and the lusts that lead you astray. Remember, the Sword of the Spirit is two-edged--one side is for Satan and the other side is for you. Let God use it to keep you in line!

SCRIPTURE READING: 2 Corinthians 7

06/13/2004 - 06/20/2004
06/20/2004 - 06/27/2004
06/27/2004 - 07/04/2004
07/04/2004 - 07/11/2004
07/11/2004 - 07/18/2004
07/18/2004 - 07/25/2004
07/25/2004 - 08/01/2004
08/08/2004 - 08/15/2004
08/22/2004 - 08/29/2004
09/26/2004 - 10/03/2004
10/17/2004 - 10/24/2004
07/03/2005 - 07/10/2005

Saturday, July 17, 2004

went service yest and pastor touched on the topic of true worship. i don't think i've ever listened to any sermons on worship before. it's so refreshing. esp knowing that worship can be as simple as: You're on the mrt, sandwiched in the crowd, stoning, and then abruptly, you just feel the love of God. that's worship too. man. i never knew it's so simple.  
what really touched my heart was listening to a testimonial of an australian pastor. this pastor couldn't fall asleep one night and he just felt the desire to worship the Lord in the living room. and so he stood there, soaking in the presence of God. After a while, he realised his shoulders were wet. thinking that the ceiling was leaking, he looked up. but the ceiling was fine. then, he turned around and in a vision, saw Jesus standing right behind him, crying.  
"Lord, why are you crying? Who made you cry?" he asked instinctively.  
Jesus replied, "I've been waiting for this moment, alone with you, for so long......"  
It hit me deep. True worship doesn't require you to sing, or say some Godly prayers, or have certain music playing in the background. True worship can be simply, just spending time with Jesus, in silence. =)

Friday, July 16, 2004

today i was talking to one of my long time ago friends from yishun methodist mission. he's taking o levels soon, so we were talking about school stress. then he told me that i'm not in a major exam year, that i should relax more and take my time, and balance my time between god and studies.
when i heard that i was like, wah! this guy is right man. i haven't been devoting any of my time to either of these. really made me think. it was like a wake-up call: RYAN! what have you been doing for the past 3 years? and i answer myself, i've been slacking away doing nothing since sec 1 and sec 2, just sitting down and reading and playing.
i think that today, before you sit down and surf the net and play, we'd all better ask ourselves whether we've been balancing the more important things in our life.

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Hey all... Dino here... Was invited by Zhiying to blog here too... Lolx... Testing out my text colour now... Should be orange... =P Anyway, thanks for inviting me into this blog... =)

helo there.. look at e time now.. I'm in sch now.. hahahz.. now having break.. thus nthing 2 do.. come blogging.. lol.. yupz.. i agree wif wat reu korkor, zing n ryan D had said.. I'fve been a guo4 lai2 ren2 myself.. hahhaz.. yupz.. man.. oh ya.. man.. i feel so happy when i heard wat my friens told me tis morning on my way 2 sch..

tis morning, went sch on e mrt wif aloy n soonsim.. lol.. talked 2 them all e way.. ya.. they said i change alot.. i seems more cheerful, more joyful, more of everything gd.. yay.. n ya.. then after wait 4 ferlyn n jess at yck station.. then they were complaining abt their families again.. lol.. man.. they told me tt they felt tt i'm so blessed lol.. wa.. like tt also can feel huh?!?*shock* anyway.. they were saying tt compared wif e few of us (jess, ferlyn n myself), they felt tt I'm e blessed one, wif a happy n great family n always meet help frm many friens everywhere i go.. they sort of envy me.. wats more they already felt tt way eva since they noe me last yr, when we were in yr 1.. mm... i didnt noe tt.. but.. ya.. it so gd 2 hear tt early in e morning.. made my day again.. hahaz..

well, come to think of tt, when zing n a few others in SNJB told me i changed, i didnt thgt much of it, coz i'm always quite feng1 in sch ma.. then now, when my sec n poly friens told me tt.. mm.. made me ponder.. well.. mayb i did change ba.. ya.. n i realise i did especially last yr when i seem 2 b attacked by so many things.. ya.. frm granny's illness, to daddy's changed of attitude, 4 once i thgt my family didnt loved me tt much during tt time.. *lame* ya.. sounds lame but tt's wat i felt.. n i used 2 feel so left out in SNJB when i was in sec sch lol.. dunnoe y.. mm.. all e differ. 'trials' tt happened, made me teared almost everyday.. ya.. so much happened, but none of my friens knew.. only a few like eeling, lu n marc.. e very close ones.. ya..dunnoe y marc..lol.. poor him, had 2 bear wif all my tears, whining, temper, beatings n everything little things eva since we knew each other.. still rmb when we 1st met, i thgt he is an AP ah beng n he thgt tt i'm a dao ah lian..hahahz..lol veri grateful 2 him though..

thanx God 4 all 3 of them, thanx God 4 letting me passed thugh all, n thanx God tt during these times, i had actually started bonding wif huili, wif zing n wif all e rest of e JBs.. AMEN... -Blessed.Princess.B|uRz-

Tuesday, July 13, 2004
on the other end of the spectrum

don't be a slacker who sleeps in class all the time, doesn't feel pressured for exams or assignments or studies, and doesn't care what he scores. motivation is 50% of success. or something. it's very important. in other words, don't disregard failure altogether.

what on earth am i talking about. i'm blogging at 11.45 when i haven't touched my homework yet. i am such a hypocrite. don't listen to me. i better go do now.

Lil Sharing

wow wow reuben. lol. i dun think i can ever analyse exams, results and stress the way you did. hope it's helpful to you guys out there.

i dunno if you guys feel the same way. when my results sucked, as in F-grades kind, and i did really study, telling me that "exams are there to test you, not make you feel miserable. exams are there to help you, not make you depressed", sadly, doesn't help much. And "the harder you study, the smarter you become, the better your marks, the greater your satisfaction" also failed me coz i personally proved this wrong. it's more like, the harder i studied, the faster my marks made a dive for the ocean floor and the stronger the desire to just leave this world and go heaven. lol. praise Jesus i'm still well and kicking and alive today. all these so called motivational phrases, did nothing much for me. but what really touched my soul and heart, what really motivated, what really made me want to go on mugging even when my tutors told me that i won't get any grades higher than a C for all my subjects, was hearing someone tell me that "Jesus is waiting for you at your exam desk everyday and He sees your future and He knows it's good." He sees YOUR future, and He knows it's GOOD. that's all i needed to hear; that's all i needed to sleep in peace at night.

so all of you out there, if your results are hopeless, don't become hopeless yourself. He sees your future, and it's gonna be really good! "Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, nor have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for those who love Him!" =)

the co-relations of exams.results.stress

why do people feel stressed to do well for exams? why do people feel pressured to score good grades for tests? why do people feel miserable when they do not get at least a pass in certain subjects? why do people always regret not studying harder before the question paper was passed down the aisle? why do people do such silly things?

the truth behind exams lies in the fact that they are but a means to test how much u've learnt over the past few months sitting either in that boring lecture theatre listening to the boringest of cmi lectures or the classroom that u've slept best in. exams are there to test YOU, not make you feel miserable. exams are there to help you, not make you depressed.

the marks that u get are but a figure. a number that can be an 80 or an 08. it doesnt make a difference because thats only a representation of what you actually store in your brain after either hardworkingly copying word for word of the lecturer or falling asleep on the table for the millionth time. it is a proof to yourself of how much you've learnt. not of your worth, because you are worth much more than 80 or 08 marks. you are god's child. god's princes. god's princesses.

on the contrary to the belief that tests and exams being hopelessly stressful, i think they are a great opportunity to prove that you have the ability to do well. however, in order to get the satisfaction of a test paper well answered, you have to put in the effort. the main objective of a test or an exam is for you to revise and remember what you have learnt during lessons.

as such, the revision and studying prior to the test is as important as the actual writing of answers during the test. for those people who can't live without the computer, choose a place to study where it is free of such distractions. handphones, PDAs, palmtops, the TV or even your favourite magazine or book can wait. only by settling down and concentrating can you get things done.

now on to the point of studying being stressful. studying is stressful, but its extent is determined by YOU. the stress padi out will be rewarded with satisfaction if properly invested. why do i say invested? because the amount of panic and studying as well as hard work you pour into your studies will be exponentially multiplied and returned in the form of the amount of satisfaction you get. the harder you study, the smarter you become, the better your marks, the greater your satisfaction.

much as i would like to say i had a clean track record of not failing ANY test, i sadly cant. my physics EOY exam was a pathetic 52 marks upon 100. it shocked me. it really did. others include jap tests , with barely passing scores of 22/50. (i failed my math too.) yet the sourness and bitterness felt from the moment the paper reaches your hand after it is marked does not linger on. it disappears after a while.

DO NOT DWELL ON FAILURE. i repeat. DO NOT DWELL ON FAILURE. failure is but a passing phase. for those who think failure sticks with you like butter sticks with flies and sauce sticks with pans, think otherwise. failure is due to either poor performance prior of during the test. if its the former, it may be something wrong with your study technique.

asking is the best way to solve problems. experimentation too. different people learn with different styles. some may like visual notes. others prefer hearing lectures and their photographic memory kicks in. or maybe you like to experiment with things on the spot and learn through experience? you never know until you've tried. test out the studying techniques and familiarise and use the one you are most comfortable and effective with.

it's never too late to ask frenz how they study. i mean, what are friends for? just rememeber that failure is never the end of the road. and if you've lost your motivation to study due to poor results, stress or fatigue, i pray you will not give up. what are exams? exams are mere tests? why be beaten by them? fancy being depressed over a few pieces of A4 paper! and plus. you're a prince/princess!!

if these exams make you depressed and you lose interest in the subject and learning, try to go to the root of the problem. most of the time people say that they spent alot of time studying. however, comparatively, you may have breezed through the textbook compared to the hours others put in for their in-depth understanding. everyone thinks they've studied, until they meet up with a challenging paper that stretches them.

play less. study more. if you know that you're spending too much time on your CCA, or doing other things which are prioritised below your studies, you may wanna change your habits. talking about habits, some people study best under pressure. others prefer an easy going schedule, doing things a bit at a time, so as not to end up with last minute midnight oil burning.

lastly, if you're like me who can't seem to keep still and study, try doing something else. like eating. everytime i study for a test, i must must must eat something. munching on fruits, drinking milk, eating curry puffs etc. the most effective way of studying is through understanding of your ownself.

never underestimate yourself. commit your exams to god in prayer. god bless you.

ring ring hello

zing. buy the most expensive one. you'll never go wrong.

yay. hello everybody. i'm finally in this blog. this is ryan btw. i only have 2 hours before tuition and i need to get some work done, so maybe i'll blog later.

have fun.

hey guys i need help with choosing a laptop. i'm still pretty undecided. below is the link to the laptop offers.

notebook offers
any recommendations?

Monday, July 12, 2004

hey hey! how've u guys been? i realised only bout 4 pple blog in here regularly. the ones whose font colours are, pink, blue, red and black. yah. chao sad. i've invited as many pple as i could. heh. and lynn! go check your email! you've been our tagboard's most loyal supporter!!! =) i invited you donkey years ago...and just found out tt i typed your email add wrongly. -sorry-

basically i did nothing today. i just stayed home and slacked. (dun be jealous huili -grins-) and then looked at some old snjb photos and marvelled at how MacDonaldish my hair used to look. lol. huili's hair is constantly at that length since sec 1. everything bout her remained pretty constant huh? heh heh. potato has grown so much taller. peg looks slimmer. *cheers* lol. jan has reduced from normal size to slim. *congrats* shuxian has shown the greatest change, from *toot* and quiet to bimbotic and loud and crazy. love you girl! =) reuben's hair has become somewhat cooler. at least it's no longer centre parted. heh heh. yanling has become so much prettier....compliment ya? =) weixian looks a wee bit less blur...just a wee bit. -grins- wanshui definitely has more white hair now, compared to the past. alan's lost ALOT of weight. my bro has turned from skinny boy to muscle 6 packs man. -wow- i didn't even know.... he'd 6 packs! (i know it's pecs, but i prefer using the word packs more. as in, 6 packs of muscles. lol.) who else? cephas lost his tummy! yah! he'd a cute one 2 yrs back. lol. jun yang has turned from despo boy to happily married. =)

tt's the beautiful thing bout church friends. we literally witness the process of one another's growth and change. love you guys.

hmm. this blog is dying. maybe cos everyone's busy doing hmwk and rushing with school projects. nvm. i shall spend a bit of my precious time to blog. well. it's been a great weekend. fri sat sun was full of fun with church frenz. somehow i realise that church friendships are gonna last a long long way. my mum was like saying to me that she knew singying's mum since 1981. and they were in their ancient youth fellowship. wow. its been 23 years. and i'm only 16 yrs old. maybe i'll tell my kids i knew huili and zing and shuxian all the way since i was sec 1, which was in 2001.. hmm. =) ahahah. plus peg and potato's frenship dates back longer. sounds like eons har? =)

<BGSOUND SRC="http://www.asknlearn.com/personal/S8831141H/Hope%2006%20-%20Still.mp3">