talented musicians
people who give love claps
target of 50 (x1000) people
youths who love God
about SNJB__++
SNJB = Shao Nian Jing Bing
we are a group of teenagers in Hinghwa Methodist Church
aged thirteen (13) - twenty one (21)
who like great praise and worship, fellowship and camps
we have lots of fun games and powerpacked praise and worship every sunday
we would like YOU to join us!

address: 93 Kitchener Road
(Lavender MRT)
venue: 3rd floor, Room 5
time: 1045am - 1230pm
admission ticket: FREEE!

upcoming events__++
1. 26th Jun (1930hrs) - Youth Worship

2. end of year camp in Malaysia

royal celebrations__++
1. 20th Jun - Princess Huili's 18
2. 21st Aug - Princess Reuben's 16
3. 22nd Aug - Prince Ryan's 15
4. 12th Sep - Princess Peg's 18
5. 1st Oct - Prince Potato's 16

chairperson of SNJB
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God's Discipline

"For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not?" Hebrews 12:6-7

There's a terrible misunderstanding among believers today about God's method of disciplining His children. They'll point to some kind of disaster-- a tornado or a car accident-- and say, "I guess God sent that catastrophe to teach us something." No, He didn't! A loving God doesn't send death and destruction on His children to instruct them. He doesn't unleash His bad dog to bite us on the leg, so we'll learn to wear our boots! How does He chastise His own? With His Word.

And Timothy 3:16-17 says, "Every Scripture is God-breathed--given by His inspiration--and profitable for instruction, for reproof and conviction of sin, for correction of error and discipline in obedience, and for training in righteousness, So that the man of God may be complete and proficient, well fitted and thoroughly equipped for every good work" (The Amplified Bible). If you'll look in 2 Corinthians 7, you'll see an example of this. There the Apostle Paul talks about a situation in the Corinthian church that needed correction. That church had gotten out of line and had to be disciplined. How did Paul do it? Not by asking God to send an earthquake to shake them up! He did it by writing them a letter. He wrote them a word of reproof that hurt so badly they would have preferred being beaten with a stick. It cut deep into their spirits and brought them to repentance. Your heavenly Father loves you and because He does, He will chasten you. But He'll do it with spiritual, not fleshly tools. He'll use the spirit power in His Word to chasten unbelief and purify your spirit in such a way that you'll come out strong, not weak and condemned. So quit bowing down to disasters and start subjecting yourself instead to the Word of God. Yield to the Word. Let it correct you and trim away the flesh and the lusts that lead you astray. Remember, the Sword of the Spirit is two-edged--one side is for Satan and the other side is for you. Let God use it to keep you in line!

SCRIPTURE READING: 2 Corinthians 7

06/13/2004 - 06/20/2004
06/20/2004 - 06/27/2004
06/27/2004 - 07/04/2004
07/04/2004 - 07/11/2004
07/11/2004 - 07/18/2004
07/18/2004 - 07/25/2004
07/25/2004 - 08/01/2004
08/08/2004 - 08/15/2004
08/22/2004 - 08/29/2004
09/26/2004 - 10/03/2004
10/17/2004 - 10/24/2004
07/03/2005 - 07/10/2005

Thursday, July 08, 2004
Youth Sunday 11th July 2004

hello SNjB

this sunday is our annual Youth Sunday and as usual, we'll be leading worship and giving a short performance during the morning service.

Praise & Worship
Ling chang: zhiying.dasimin
pianist: peg.yiqi
drums: potato
bass guitar: xintian uncles
banchangs: reuben.guohui.singying.shuxian (yes bimbo, u r IN!)

All of you involved above, pls come down for practice on SATURDAY, 4PM, 4TH LEVEL. thankew =) if for some reasons u can't make it or would be late, PLEASE INFORM ME ASAP =)


Girls: Yanling.ruth.lilian.vivian.huili.lynn.xiaosimin.dasimin.
singying.shuxian.weixian.zhiying.(i missed out 1 girl...but i juz can't remb who......*sorry*)
Guys: reuben.potato.zhiyong.weiwen.gary.enliang.lifu.mingjun.
dino.wanshui.(did i miss out anyone?)
Pianist: LIRONG ( Hey girl, i'll call you to tell you the song we're singing k? simple song)
Drums: Peg
bass guitar:xintian uncle

yea so all you pple, pls pls pls appear in church on THIS SUNDAY 8.15AM, IN UR SNJB SHIRT OR ANY YELLOW TOPS. those not mentioned in any of the above, come in your snjb shirt too! or anything yellow. and do remember to appear for morn service, 8.45am sharp. =)


SNjb Program after Service

bet all of u wondering if we've program after that right? the answer is YES. our chinese congre pastor, will be coming up to our room to share about: Charismatic Movements and Speaking in Tongues yea. it's a very very interesting topic i can guarantee..... and esp for the adult youths, i hope this session can answer ur doubts regarding speaking in tongues and what is the true meaning of praying in the spirit. and there's even an Q&A session after that, so feel free to bomb him. heh. for the rest, come join us too! even the adults will be coming up to our room for this sharing. yah. and there would be a short prasie and worship session. yep. see you guys on SAT AND SUN!

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

my reputation has been destroyed. and yet again. reuben is synonymous with a girl cos he... yes HE posseses a bra and a butt which are both afraid of ants.. ahahaha. silly girl. i'm a GUY. i'm a GUY!!!! get that into your head. nvm. u all once said sissy guys have their charms. and i wont be a sissy guy once i get into contact with more girls.. u all just wait. hahahah.

anyway, this sunday is YOUTH SUNDAY! woo hoo. its the annual youth sunday. and we're singing songs. lalala. not bad arh. its only one rehearsal. i've a feeling its gonna turn out bad. but by faith it will be good. and zing and da simin will be lingchanging =) we invented that word. i love it. ahahaha. after that the SNJB programme will be a talk by the zhou mu shi, the chinese side pastor on tongues. bring your notes girls.. cos i've a feeling that theres gonna be a fiery debate over it.

here's sharing two of my favourite verses:

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." [Hebrews11:1]

"For the LORD your God is gracious and compassionate. He will not turn his face from you if you return to him." [2 Chronicles 30:9]

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

BORING BORING BORING..I'm in sch now.. yupz.. 2nd day of attachment in sch...how nice.. boring boring more boring.. man.. spent my whole day doing ONE PATHETIC SLIDE LAYER.. really wanna gif up liaoz.. ARGHZ... lol... man... juz came cack frm lunch break.. haix.. few more hrs n tt ends my 2nd day.. great 6wks n 4 days 2 go...

I'm dying...



met some of e yr 1 classmates.. hahahz.. those who saw me said I look like a walking zombie.. great.. juz great.. lol.. they nv c me like tt.. hahahz... even jess was saying i look like shit.. man.. I was so down unlike in yr 1 when i was having so much fun lol.. veri low profile now if u ask me.. I'm now cecilia e zombie in sch.. I didn't noe tt stoning can b so easy.. hahahz.. was doing tt practically e whole time.. haix.. need 2 go back 2 programming le.. haix.. (CeciliaTheZombie)

Monday, July 05, 2004

finally uploaded all the neoprints! here they are! check them out at www.geocities.com/ezenjaebee

Sunday, July 04, 2004

woah!! todae was a great great day!! went 2 church as usual.. went early 2 have communion.. haha.. extra health!! reminder of our forgiveness of sin!! amen!! *muacks* 2 God.. den we had a "party" 4 SNJB time.. it was realli funi.. we r suppose 2 do tt game of.. the 1st person is suppose 2 act out the message, word or person 2 the 2nd guy.. n so on.. i was the 2nd 1.. zing was the 1st 1.. the person was david beckham.. n she started doing an action like ma jiam washing her hair.. wat she wanted 2 do was 2 show a spiked hair.. but she make it look like so bimbotic swishing her hair all over.. wat!!!! no 1 in the grp could guess wat it was!! n when we were told tt it was david beckham.. we juz fainted n wanted 2 slap her.. hahaha..

den went 4 rehearsal 4 our song 4 youth sunday next week.. wat po ma ppl!! gosh.. walk like tt also cannot.. walk tt way also cannot.. n can u imagine!! we spent like 3 hrs juz learning how 2 walk.. not even how 2 sing coz we know the song liao!! 3 hrs on HOW 2 WALK!! i realli hate po ma ppl.. $#!@$@%#$.. i tout of a simple dance with the song.. n all the gers were following me though lynn was doing it SOOO nicely.. damn paisei.. BUT I DIDNT SHOW LA!! but in the end.. they changed it.. to some very sianz n not hyper dance.. ITS SOOOO UGLY!! mine was soooooo nice!! n they didnt want it.. sighs.. finally.. we finish after 3 hrs.. i was soo happi..

den shuxian wanted 2 watch ye man nu you.. so we went.. pulled dino n mj didi with us.. haha.. but walk 2 ms also dun have tt show.. den go suntec eng wah also dun have.. so we went 2 wat.. those hu wanan have dinner go buy food.. those hu dun want go help us buy drinks.. n we meet at the fountain.. haha.. reuben, zing , dino n mj didi was sitting on the concrete where there r alot of BIGGGG ants coming out of the slits.. however, it was onli reuben n zing beating ard their jeans n zing trying 2 squeeze them while dino n mj didi sat there with no commotion.. its either zing n reuben have very sensitive skin i tout tt the ants went into theit butt n bras.. or dino n mj didi have no feeling of such n even if the ants bit their butt, they cant feel..

afteer eating n much screaming of tramatise coz of the ants biting theit butts n backs, we went 2 macs n sat there.. sit down ar.. n theres no chasing us out le.. the cleaners were so tramatise by our laughing, giggling, shoutings i bet they wanted 2 throw us out with the rubbish they were bringing out.. lol.. we sat there 4.. 3 hrs? or more? n finally coz of mj didi, we have 2 leave le.. coz later he mom will scold.. hes onli sec 1!! n the next youngest is sec 4!! i was sooooo wow la.. i keep forgetting tt hes sec 1.. coz i have nv hang out with a guy whos sec 1 la.. so keep asking him whether he needs 2 go home.. haha..

we talked bout soooo much!! everything!! breasts, dicks, camps, jokes, guys, gers, relationship.. wow.. i juz love my bros n sisters.. we r so close tt practically talking tis kinda stuffs is soo.. right? ya.. not dirty in anyway.. but as in .. nvm.. its not dirty talk anyway..

anyway watching ye man nu you with the cchs gers tml.. haha.. tts bout it todae.. praise god.. praise God.. praise God.. it hurts 2 juz c ppl turning away fr the true God.. pushing away the onli God tt can satisfy.. n its eternal.. its juz so sad.. but i also dunno wat 2 do except 2 pray bout it..ya.. praise God.. haha.. nites!!

<BGSOUND SRC="http://www.asknlearn.com/personal/S8831141H/Hope%2006%20-%20Still.mp3">